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Fuori e dentro lo specchio di Joan

Straordinaria incantatrice e affabulatrice, Joan Jonas (New York, 1936) si muove dalla metà degli anni Sessanta su un tracciato estetico e intellettuale che rifugge da qualsiasi catalogazione. Personalità orgogliosamente e ammirevolmente eteroclita, Jonas non è solo una antesignana della performance e del video, ma rappresenta con la sua caleidoscopica ricerca anche quell’ideale di opera d’arte aperta e in continuo divenire, intesa come incessante scandagliamento delle relazioni tra corpo e spazio, quotidianità e mito, natura e spiritualità.

Francesca Cogoni
D’ARS year 54/nr 219/autumn-winter 2014 (abstract dell’articolo in italiano

Joan Jonas, Lines in the sand (2002), performance: Tate Modern, London 2002, Courtesy Tate Modern and the artist
Joan Jonas, Lines in the sand (2002), performance: Tate Modern, London 2002, Courtesy Tate Modern and the artist


An extraordinary enchantress and storyteller, Joan Jonas (New York, 1936) since the mid-sixties has developed an aesthetic and intellectual path that refuses to be enclosed in a single category. With aproudly heterogeneous personality, Jonas is not only a forerunner of performance and video art, but also represents, through her kaleidoscopic explorations, the open artistic ideal that is in constant evolution, understood as the incessant investigation of the relationship between body and space, everyday life and myth and nature and spirituality.

Francesca Cogoni
D’ARS year 54/nr 219/autumn-winter 2014 (abstract dell’articolo in inglese)

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